Diplomas Due 60 Eatonville High Seniors
Eatonville (Special) – This week will be the biggest week of the year for 60 Eatonville High School seniors as they will graduate June 3, 1966 at 8 p.m. in the high school Memorial Gymnasium. The class baccalaureate will be held this Sunday in the high school auditorium. Featured speaker for the baccalaureate services, as put on by the Eatonville Council of Churches, will be Rev. Alfred S. Palmer, pastor of the Eatonville Methodist Church. Music for the program will be provided by the Eatonville High School Chorus, directed by Dale Parton. Steve Dawkins will play the processional. Floral decorations for the service will be provided by Rev. and Mrs. Harold Grove of the Eatonville Assembly of God Church. The usherettes will be Karen Vormestrand and Diane Doohan.
Not a Requirement
The seniors are not required to attend baccalaureate, but are urged to be present, according to Vynor Fish and Alvin Smith, class advisors. On Thursday, the seniors will check out from school, pay any fines they may have, check in their lockers and other school materials in order to be cleared and ready to graduate. On Friday, the graduating seniors will report to school at 1 p.m. for graduation practice. At 7:30 p.m. they will report to the high school music room and at 8 p.m. sharp will parade down the aisle for the graduation rites. Music for the commencement will be provided by the Eatonville Grade and High School Band and the high school chorus senior class members will sing “I’m Going to Sing” and “I Believe”. A flute solo by senior Lynda Sivertson, song solo by Nancy Keller, senior , and a piano solo by senior Steve Dawkins will also be featured.
Student Speakers
The student speakers for the evening will be John Hale, Steve Dawkins, Erick Pederson, Dorene Thompson and Tom Owings. The Rev. Harold Grove will deliver the invocation and the Rev. Alfred S. Palmer will give the benediction. Diplomas will be presented by Mrs. Shirley Daniel, ex-school board member, as a concession to her when she left in January. She has a son in this graduating class. Principal Richard J. Hermsen will present the class to her after announcing award winners of the Senior Honor Cup, the American Legion Boy and the American Legion Girl, the Hagen Music, the Van Eaton Chevrolet Company, the Christensen Brothers Industrial Ar
ts, the Sterling Silversmith Institute, the Parnell’s Agricultural-Academic, and the Eatonville District 404 Scholarship.
Senior Officers
This year’s senior class officers include John Hale, president; Phil Smith, vice-president; Dorene Thompson, secretary; and Joyce McBride, treasurer. The class flower is the rhododendron and the class colors are pale pink and cranberry red. The graduates will be proceeded by junior usherettes Marilyn Rutter and Patty Smith. Other usherettes for Commencement evening will be Margaret Van Eaton, Karen Vormestrand, Marsha Peck, Mary Grooms, Carolyn Hammer, Sandra Heacock and Diane Doohan.